Starting off!
Finish product - Connor and I's on the right - Jacob and Andrea's on the left!
Well I think those pictures say it all :) Becides watching the Steelers kick butt this weekend - we spent some time pumkin carving! Andrea and Jacob joined us in the fun! We have had some nice wether lately so, we have had a few long days out doors this week. For the end of October we will take high 60 low 70's any day! Update on Connor Boy: We are still in the process of potty training we are doing well but, since he just turned two we are just having some issues with him being able to tell us in time to make it to the potty.. He understands that he has to go but, tells us that second - We really didn't expect him to catch on this well just thought working with him now by the time he is about 3 we would have it down! We are not giving up and trying to be positive with the accidents but, still working my butt off - not having to buy diapers for him anymore makes it all so worth it :)
Baby news update: I went for my 15 week check up on Monday and have actually lost a few pounds - No I am not depriving this child. i have to eat small meals more often and the doctor says its probably all going to the baby - good for mommy I know in time my belly will get much much bigger so, if I can keep it smaller now i will love it when the baby grows! Super strong heartbeat, my doctor is very happy with everything so far.. Me too - I have been feeling much better this week and hoping it stays that way! Sure would be nice to stop feeling sick all the time especially with the holidays all coming up very quickly!
Hallowwen Costume Hint: If you know me, its SUPER easy- We could not find a dinosaur or Shrek in Connor's size this year :( Since he is still a little young to know the difference I got my way and Eric said yes - next year he will want to pick his own out! So the hint is : It's mommy's favorite animal!
And one more fun note before I go: we want to wish Auntie Shel & Don a wonderful vacation in Hawaii - I know you very well (Shel anyways) and you will LOVE it just as much as Eric and I did! I can't wait till we can all go together - That would be super awesome! Safe travels and I can't wait to see those pictures!
Connor what an awesome pumkin. Sounds like you had a fun week. I know you are going to have fun trick or treating.