Connor my boy - Christmas is just a short 3 days away! Daddy and I could not be happier to wake up with you on Christmas morning and see your face when you see presents under the tree. I will admit last Christmas was fun and you did enjoy opening your gifts but, this year being you are a whole year older we are expecting it to be even more fun! So far this week has just been filled with fun! First off we finally got enough snow outside to ctually cover the grass - As much as I hate the cold and not being able to play outdoors with you everyday - I do think I would miss how beautiful it looks when it first snows ( you know before everyone drives and walks on it and it looks brown and yucky) Anyways - Daddy and Chuck were outside burning in the burn barrel and of course you wanted to help - so we bundled you up and you got to help the boys work! The pictures above mommy made it out for a few but, promise I will get more and spend more time out there - was hoping it would warm up just a tad its been quite chilly out there.. So you and daddy made snow angel, snow balls and just ran around! You LOVE the snow anytime we need to go outside you get so excited to walk in the snow! We also took Monday afternoon and went over to Great Grandma's House - your baby cousin Oliver and his family are in town and we wanted to make sure you got a chance to visit. Although you loved playing with baby Oliver and his daddy you also loved grandmas dog "millie" - you just could not get enough! I will tell you as soon as we left there you were sound asleep must of wore you out visiting with the family! We have a busy next few days ahead of us - Im am just so excited - I love the holidays alwys have but, with you Connor it is just even so much better than I ever thought.
Baby Zennon News: I went on Monday for a check up and got to hear the heartbeat! I just love to hear that! I am measuring at 23 weeks which when I went in was 22 weeks and 4 days so, that is just about RIGHT ON! I am more than halfway through this pregnancy and cannot wait to meet you! Bring on April :)
Hope you all have a great Christmas and I will be back after Christmas to post about our adventures!