Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sweet Melissa + 3's photostream

14 months13 months52 Weeks49 weeks 4951 Weeks50 Weeks
48 Weeks47 Weeks46 Weeks45 Weeks44 Weeks43 Weeks
42 Weeks41 Weeks40 Weeks39 Weeks38 Weeks37 Weeks
36 Weeks35 Weeks34 Weeks33 Weeks32 Weeks31 weeks

Happy Father's Day, Eric

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy these adorbale boys could have!  Thanks for working so hard everyday so, that I can spend all my time with them!  You are a great dad, not afraid to change a diaper, help with bath time, or carry them along when you are with your friends!  Im so thankful I have you by  my side to help raise the boys with me!  I find you so incredibly handsome when you play with the boys.  I hope they grow up to be just like you - I sure know they look up to you now!!

Uncle Tom marries Aunt Lauren

 This weekend, Uncle Tom married Aunt Lauren!

Wishing them both the best!!  Now, give Connor & Zennon some cousins!!!